Jupiter gears up for a last hurrah in this New Moon week in which Venus gets real and Neptune awakes from a long nap.
Our priorities in relationships shift dramatically on Monday, November 25. Love goddess Venus leaves give-it-a-shot Sagittarius to embrace serious in-it-for-the-long-haul Capricorn. Structure counts when it comes to not only romance, but also money, art and aesthetics.
How could you create a new framework for future growth? The good: we are more aware that the above requires some hard work to make real and are more inclined to put the hammer down. And we’re very much focused on keeping (or getting) it real. The bad: it’s harder to keep it light under this influence, during which we may be held to account for past missteps.
Tuesday marks the year’s only New Moon in Sagittarius. Think fresh starts and wider horizons! It could be literal, as in booking that trip of a lifetime to a far-off locale. Or not, as in embracing new learning or a more liberal, accepting world view.
This one is special in that Jupiter, Sag’s fave planet, is making nice with both Venus (relationships) and Uranus (revolutionary and philanthropy-minded). Which could spark a desire to go all out with the good will to all and multicultural mingling.
On Wednesday, November 27, dreamy and visionary Neptune awakes from a long retrograde nap. For the past five months, our efforts to be artistic or reach nirvana may have been stalled. But it did force us to go deeper for answers be ever more mindful. It will take a while to emerge into clear insight, but this is a good time to revisit the vision board. Expect to gain more confidence in moving ahead on a cherished project soon.
We may all wish we were American and celebrating Thanksgiving late in the week. The festive New Moon cycle plus a cluster of planets in Capricorn make us long to gather the clans. The Sag influence urges us to be first in line for the door-crasher deals. But the other orbs—impulse-shopper Moon, luxury-loving Venus and investment-minded Saturn—are in Cap. Think long-term use, but also luxury labels.
The Moon in intellectual and social Aquarius dominates the weekend scenario. A meeting of the minds becomes more important that family ties. So does taking advantage Jupiter’s last day (for another 12 years) to whoop it up in party-hearty Sagittarius.
