Let the games begin! Gemini season gets underway mid-week, and a promising and potent New Moon in this playful sign is not far behind.
On Monday, May 18, the Moon enters antsy Aries just as artistic and social Venus forms an ingenious bi-quintile aspect with Jupiter. We can find even more creative ways to schmooze or get active now.
A dramatic shift occurs the next day, though. Luna is still in a fighting mood and as it starts the day squaring off with power-made Pluto. We will not take kindly to anyone who appears out to control us.
But we are still lolling under the beams of the Sun in self-soothing, comfort-seeking Taurus. Use it to take a step back and take the (very) long view. And set up a routine that is both productive and feels good. This, too, shall pass and perhaps we have bigger things to worry about.
The Sun enters lively, curious and chatty Gemini on Wednesday, May 20, at 9:49 am ET. Intellectually inquisitive and outgoing, it helps us take our minds off any harsh realities. Especially since Venus squares Neptune the same day, making rose-coloured glasses the accessory of choice, if only for a brief respite.
Mercury joins in on the next day, Thursday. It might be time for a relationship audit. What are you prepared to sacrifice or surrender in the name of love? What about closure? Or, do you need to shore up the boundaries? If you haven’t figured it out, you will around July 27.
Gemini season shifts into high gear on Friday, May 22. At 1:39 pm ET, a New Moon in that sign ramps up the need to get the heck out of the house! Traditional associations are short trips and the neighbourhood. And with a square to Mars in Pisces, we may feel frustrated and fearful due to having our movements restricted and having to remain masked.
Best response: go ahead and expand your sphere; just act responsibly, is all. In May, Venus in Gemini taught us staying in touch and communicating is just a matter of a little ingenuity. Time to get even more social—and maybe strategic—with media or at a distance Maybe upgrade your daily walk to a bicycle or scooter. Organize an evening 5-a-7 or dance party with the neighbours. Or—well, you likely will have plenty of inventive ideas now.
The sign of the Twins likes to do things in twos and is playful and loves games. Here in Montreal, tennis courts and other facilities in which sports that can be played a deux will open soon! Socially distant croquet, anyone?
Also on the positive side, this New Moon features a Sun-Saturn trine. It’s a good time to look far ahead, like into 2021, and set some goals.
