We’re all in this together—yet apart. It all takes on new and crucial meaning in a week in which important breakthroughs are possible.
On Monday, March 30, our attitude towards collaborating at a distance undergoes a positive shift. Action-minded Mars charges into innovative and tech-savvy Aquarius. We now have the energy rise to the challenge and overcome any tech overwhelm or phobia. Instead, we’re open to exploring and embracing new virtual channels to keep us social while maintaining physical distance.
Until May 12, we’ll want to take action, however small the step, to contribute to our community. And to explore new global connections and humanitarian efforts.
The Aquarian impulse can urge many to look outside the mainstream for information. Especially in the early part of the cycle, conspiracy theories and dangerous misinformation like the recent false reporting around a malaria drug can arise.
The World Health Organization website advises limiting the amount of news you stream, watch, read or listen to, if only because overdoing it can lead to stress and anxiety. “Get the facts. Gather information at regular intervals, from WHO website and local health authorities’ platforms, in order to help you distinguish facts from rumors,” it says.
Sensible innovation will feel especially apt on Tuesday, when Mars collides with Saturn. This is a good day to set up new schedules, rules and plans to meet the ever-changing demands of the “new normal.” Just don’t give into frustration as your brilliant innovations (Aquarius) are obstructed or blocked (Saturn); by next week the way will lie clear.
We’re in no mood for tomfoolery on Wednesday, April 1, a day usually devoted to harmless pranks. Mercury in irritating aspects to both Saturn and Mars can make for some tense verbal encounters. And the Moon in overly sensitive Cancer only ups the moodiness.
On Thursday, April 2, the Moon shifts to dramatic Leo mid afternoon ET. It’s a good time to post those videos or have the kids put on a play or show off their crafts online to their friends and family members far away—or do so yourself!
Love goddess Venus moves into flirty and chatty Gemini on Friday. The planet of relating in this communicative air sign brings a breath of fresh air. This is an excellent cycle for sharing and talking things out. And being open and curious to new ideas. This placement also helps us realize how important a meeting of the minds is in all relationships, especially romantic ones.
On Saturday, April 4, Venus creates detente with Saturn. Traditionally, this is a good time for both relationships and investments that are long term. However, this year Venus spends more time in Gemini than usual because of an extended retrograde phase. All to say if you or anyone you know had to cancel a spring or summer wedding, it’s probably for the best anyway! Same goes for vacation plans, as Venus also rules all pleasurable pursuits.
Speaking of investments, on the same day exaggerated Jupiter conjoins depth-charged Pluto in Capricorn, the sign that rules banking, governments and corporations. Throughout 2019 I warned my clients of an impending financial crisis in 2020. Well it is here and more catastrophic than envisaged. However, it kicks off a cycle that also promises a new economic order rising Phoenix-like from the ashes.
On a personal level, this weekend would be a good time to take personal inventory (and not just of the toilet paper stockpile). Has or will your income dip? Is it time to curb spending? You might also look to see which government financial relief programs you may be eligible for, if you haven’t already. Or, call the bank and work something out if you think you will be unable to make a payment.
Looking ahead: Jupiter conjunct Pluto also is about large-scale reinvention. Historically, it’s found in the charts of many billionaires. It’s a good time to lean in—to embrace the intensity of the times (Pluto) in a way that aligns with morals and ethics (Jupiter). And to discover hidden wealth within that can lead to greater prosperity and growth without.