A calmer road, less astrologically volatile, more productive, lies ahead—and then veers onto Electric Avenue with the weekend's electrifying conjunction of Venus and Uranus.
The week kicks off with the Moon is in health-conscious Virgo, making an alliance with healer asteroid Chiron. This would be a good time to schedule appointments and seek advice. And to organize closets and life. But a nagging minor Venus-Neptune aspect makes it hard to get reliable counsel. Some disillusionment in a relationship could occur likely due to a misunderstanding.
The next two days can be highly productive—but only for night owls! The busy-bee workaholic Moon makes nice with inventive Uranus late morning on Tuesday. But conflicts with Saturn and Neptune dissipate the productive energies all afternoon long. Then, in the wee hours of Wednesday, June 8, Luna forms a beautiful grand trine with thinker Mercury and probing Pluto. It all culminates by 8 am ET that day, so breakfast meetings might be the way to go.
The Moon enters relationship-minded Libra on Wednesday at 11:23 am ET. Two heads—and hearts—are better than one. With the only aspect an opposition to grandiose Jupiter, we may overcommit ourselves socially. Like blowing the budget on a huge party or extravagant date night. Or promising a loved one the Moon and stars when not prepared to back it up on terra firma. But highly favourable for celebrations and general whooping it up.
Luna is still in this sign on Friday. We may be regretting some relationship commitment or overpromising early in the day. Later afternoon ET, though, the Moon shifts into deep-feeling Scorpio, helping us to sort out our true needs and emotions. A Mercury-Pluto trine helps us express them appropriately and productively. Secrets can come to light in a healing way.
Expect the unexpected on Saturday, June 11. Boredom is off the agenda! Love-goddess Venus exactly conjoins erratic and experimental Uranus and oppose a Scorpio Moon. Good news for those who like spontaneity and change, bad for those who seek status quo.
Uranus is all about shaking up the usual way of doing things. So these next few days may be all about change—and sudden change at that—that leads to greater freedom, autonomy and independence. Venus represents pleasure, relationships and values. And so a hookup between these two planets can impel us to explore new ways to enjoy Venusian things. If you’re bored with what you normally do for romance, fun or relaxation, now is the time to experiment and try something new, fresh or different Like say ‘yes’ to an impromptu party or send out spur-of-the-moment invitations. Likewise an impulse romance or purchase can work out surprisingly well.
Sunday can feel like a big hangover (real or metaphorical) due to a Moon-Saturn square in the morning. But shortly after, it makes nice with let-it-be Neptune and then Pluto. We’re able to get above the pettiness and resolve any issues that may have arisen. Once Luna goes void or course at 8:40 pm ET, we pull into ourselves and recharge in anticipation of a new week ahead.
