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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: July 19-25, 2021

Best policy: take it one day at a time and be prepared to improvise in the fast-paced leadup to Friday’s Full Moon.

The Moon is still in the deeps of Scorpio on Monday. Helpful aspects help us to plummet the depths of our hearts and souls, and determine real needs. A productive Mercury sextile Uranus aspect also is applying, helping us to finetune our highest aspirations.

The latter begin to really take flight on Tuesday, as Luna enters high-minded Sagittarius for a two-day stay. Expanding our horizons is paramount, either through travel or learning. Mercury aspects caution us to not blindly accept everything we hear as truth.

On Wednesday, July 21 at 8:37 pm, Venus leaves Leo’s luxury-loving lair and moves into Virgo. Which means the planet of enjoyment, beauty and romance shuts down the party and takes off the glitter. Until August 16, a more modest approach to enjoying life’s pleasure is what works. What feels good: keeping it real, staying healthy, and helping others.

We’re less likely to break the bank emotionally or financially, too, during the cycle. The exception is this Thursday, when the love goddess planet opposes Jupiter in dreamy, impractical Pisces. This is not a good day to over-commit ourselves in any way. We may be shown a higher, better way to be, but it’s best to remember not to head down the road willy-nilly.

Especially since on the same day, the Sun takes up the Leo banner. Assertive Mars is also in this sign until July 29, helping us up our competitive game. Retiring types will find new ways to get noticed that will work to their advantage. Extroverts might want to tone it down, though. For the next little while especially ego-driven plays will not hit the mark.

The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on Friday, July 23, at 10:37 pm EDT. There is a strong theme of finding balance between personal fulfillment and impact (Sun in Leo) and collective responsibility (Moon in Aquarius). Full Moons are good for awareness. Yes, you can stand out in the crowd and make a meaningful contribution. And working from the heart (Leo) is essential to know what really serves the collective good (Aquarius).

Adding to the drama, the degree of this lunation falls very close to that of the much ballyhooed Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 21, 2020. Checkpoint: How are you doing with creating a new reality? Pluto falls just behind this lunation. Is there still something that must be let go of or be transformed to free you to do so? It applies to Saturn, indicating we can now look to the future and re-vision structures and systems.

On Saturday, July 24, Mercury forms a flowing trine with nebulous Neptune. Even the most un-artistic can was poetic then, a beautiful day for creativity and spiritual pursuits. Sunday is a good day to stay in the studio or asana. With Mercury opposing Pluto then, everyone seems out for an argument and consensus is hard to come by.

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