“It's love that makes the world go round,” wrote W. S. Gilbert of operetta fame. Our hearts and minds are in a whirl this Valentine’s week that holds a Full Moon in the uber-romantic sign of Leo.
On Monday, the Moon moves into demonstrative warm-hearted Leo. But it will take some effort to focus on what brings us together rather than separating us. With Venus and Mercury on mute, it’s really a case of “show don’t tell” when it comes to showing loved ones how much you care.
Late in the day, Luna opposes is Mercury. Newly ensconced in the detached and gregarious Aquarius, this sign is more comfortable relating virtually than any other. So let the online flirt-fest begin! If you’re looking, online groups are best hunting grounds. Established couples may ramp up the both the rhetoric and passion as texts and emails fly.
Not romantically inclined? The winged messenger heading back into Aquarius for its second visit this year frees the mind for loftier subjects. Like ingenious and creative solutions. And more meaningful connections, even with perfect strangers.
It all gets way too serious way too fast on Tuesday, February 15. Luna triggers Saturn and Uranus, the two cosmic troublemakers. We may try to impose our view of relating on others stubbornly or dramatically. And being in fixed signs, the planets bring out a lot of directive and repressive energy Globally, this could also be a make-or-break day for the players involved in standoffs at the borders of the US or Ukraine.
On Wednesday, the annual Full Moon in Leo at 11:56 am ET shines extra brightly for lovebirds. Or for anyone who has been angsting about following their heart. With Venus and Mars uniting at the same degree of strong, strategic Capricorn, it’s an optimal time to talk about next steps. Ultimate goal: achieving win-win relationships in your business and personal life.
Thursday marks the rare sextile between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (surprise). Unexpected opportunities can arise, but only if we make an effort to make them happen. The former is in the tender sign of Pisces, giving a foretaste of more tender and compassionate times to come. Which will help soften Uranus’ rabble-rousing ways and bring a zeitgeist of compromise and concern for the greater good. It is especially favourable for spiritual and creative endeavours.
Pisces season kicks off in earnest on Friday, February 18, at 11:43 am ET when the Sun glides into that mystical, dreamy sign. The Moon is also in Virgo that day, so a focus on taking care of ourselves and others feels right. Let the deep healing begin!
Most of the planets are chilling on the weekend. And the Moon is in pleasure, beauty and romance-seeking Libra on Saturday. Enjoy the good vibes while you can, because the next day brings more challenging aspects. In a perfection-minded sign, Luna squares Venus and Mars, making us less satisfied with the relationship status quo. And by evening, its alliance with Pluto could bring an ultimatum unless we make a concerted effort to continue the cooling off.
