A clearing trend ignites our hopes and dreams, though occasional bouts of confusion cloud the horizon.
Speaking of confusion, Mercury turns retrograde on Monday and remains so until April 25. On this April Fool’s Day, it can feel like our own perceptions are pranking us. These 4-times-yearly occurrences inevitably bring more confusion to communications, our dealings with technology and travel. So it’s best to not make new agreements, like signing a lease or work contract, or make major purchases now. The major challenge this time is that it’s all happening impatient Aries. Frustration can build as we’re forced to review and refine; this is a sign that wants forward motion and now!
It doesn’t help that the Moon is in its last quarter phase in the sign of ambitious Capricorn. Rather than raging at any setbacks, use this energy to retreat and set new strategies. The advice carries into Tuesday, during which Luna makes productive and inventive alliances with optimistic Jupiter and ingenious Uranus. A great day for brainstorming.
Wednesday is all about cooperative ventures, including romance, as the Moon enters communal Aquarius. This can be a landmark day for both, if we can get past early morning turbulence as it conjoins Pluto. This sign wants us to detach on an emotional level and think of the bigger picture, and Pluto demands all-or-nothing commitment to a person or cause. Which can trigger power struggles and confrontations. At the same time, love goddess Venus is in the rapturous embrace of Neptune, planet of soul mates and surrender. We may want to achieve ultimate union with another person or higher forces through mindful practice. The conjunction can increase our sensitivity at all levels and make it harder to set boundaries, too. But we can also find peace and healing through love and forgiveness. This is a wonderful day for a creative or spiritual breakthrough, as well.
We quickly snap out of the dreamy state on Thursday, April 4. The Sun conjunct the lunar north node puts wind in our sails. Both are in Aries, so we’re not afraid to go it alone or take a risk. The Moon, still in Aquarius, salutes greater autonomy.
On Friday, Venus leaves Pisces’ tranquil waters for fiery, feisty Aries. This planet is all about love, money and desire. In the sign of the Ram, we most crave newness and aliveness now. We may start a serious reboot of an existing relationship or take more initiative to find a new one. Or stop thinking about making more money and actually do it. Flaunting your independence can prove a highly alluring quality now, in all aspects of life.
When it comes to socializing and enjoying life, one of the best weekends of the year lies ahead. With one caveat: Because of next Monday’s solar eclipse, we may wish to spend more me-time to keep our inner equilibrium.
Early risers may find Saturday a bit of a downer, though, but it’s all uphill from there. The Moon in contemplative Pisces makes nice with Jupiter and Uranus throughout the day, urging us to take up where we left off with a romantic or creative pursuit. Venus creates détente with Pluto, so all passion projects can meet with creative inspiration. The trend continues into Sunday. But by then Luna will have shifted to energetic and enterprising Aries, taking us from impulse to action.
